Taman Langit

Taman Langit
batu jawa Photography Travel

Taman Langit

This holiday is one of the supporters of the beauty of Batu Town as the City of Hits Tour of East Java. Its location is in the mountains with beautiful scenery makes a new destination for tourists when visiting Batu Malang and surrounding areas. Facilities such as cool photo spots, wooden home lodgings, and roads to get around the cozy park. In addition the garden is also often made a place of sports / jogging.

Spot photos in the area of ​​Mountain Banyak Park highly favored by the tourists. Many unique and cool properties that can be used as a photo object. Some are made of roots and twigs of trees that are formed in such a way, there is also a fusion of iron welding art with natural wealth. The object of the photo feels right with the theme taken by Taman Langit. There are some spot photos shaped giant swans, wing sketches, winged lions, and many others. The weather is cold to make the tourists stay long in this tourist location.

Named the Taman Langit because of its location at the peak of Mount Banyak. Conceptually, this park is a fantasy park that is above the sky. Currently in the location of the Mountain Taman Langit there are already some statues that you can make a photo object. not infrequently also this tourist location used as shooting sessions and prewedding sessions. In this tour will be equipped with several other photo spots, one of which is a cruise ship.

At the entrance of this Garden, you will be greeted by a pair of winged angels as the gate, this simple gate is made from a combination of wood roots. Although simple, artistic value goes far beyond its simplicity. At the gate is a lot of tourists who take pictures, so many photos with the background of the gates of Taman Langit scattered in social media.

in this Taman Langit you can walk casually while breathing fresh air accompanied by the spots of selfie provided by the manager. Almost every spot of photographs in the Taman Langit is so instagramable. Some of the paths that have been installed paving in the Taman Langit area has been arranged in such a way, equipped with colorful stone ornaments, you just follow the path while enjoying the beauty of the garden hidden in the peak of Mount Banyak.

Continue down the road, Approx. 50m from the entrance you will see a statue of a clean white goose, a goose which in Javanese language is called ‘Banyak’ it also shows that the Taman Langit is on Mountain Banyak. Perhaps, there used to be many swans living on the mountain. In another part of the sky garden, there is a small goose replica. Around it grew green grass, there was a small tap that drew water, irrigated grass and flower gardens.

Tips Tour

  1. Make sure you eat first before leaving
  2. Preferably to the toilet before it avoids queuing to the bathroom
  3. Make sure the motor or car in sip condition
  4. Use a jacket and head cover because of strong winds, especially early morning
  5. Turn off your hp when it rains
  6. Do not throw garbage carelessly, subject to fine of 100 thousand rupiah


  1. Toilet
  2. Where to eat
  3. Parking area

Tour Provider : indonesiaholiday.co.idindonesiaholiday.id – wisata-batumalang.com – dreamholidays.co.id – batumalangtransco.com – Tourtoindonesia.com

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