The Legend Star

the legend star
batu Creative Indonesia jawa Photography

The Legend Star

Batu City as a City of Tourism is constantly innovating by creating one of the new artificial tourist destinations. The tourist destination is located in Beji Village, Junrejo District, Batu City by offering children’s entertainment namely The Legend Star. The Legend Star offers rides in the form of miniatures and replicas of world figures and there are also theme parks such as Japan, Europe, China, Korea and America


The attraction of the Legend Star lies in the concept of recreation and learning where tourists will be educated on several world country palaces and replicas of major world figures ranging from President Jokowi, John F Kanedy, Mc Thyson to replicas of the Mau Zedong Statue that are almost similar to their real faces . There is a China theme park with typical Chinese buildings, a Japanese theme park with the atmosphere of the osakanya castle, a European theme park with the feel of a windmill and a Korean theme park.

What makes this tourist destination quite interesting is that you can rent traditional clothes in any theme park, for example, when you are in a Japanese theme park you can rent a Kimono and Yukata, when you are in a theme park in China or Korea you can rent traditional Chinese clothes or korea.

Facilities of The Legend Star:

  • There are malls in Jatim Park 3
  • There are various restaurants such as Japanese Bento, CFC and warehouses
  • There is a toilet that is quite clean
  • There is a crew that tells the history of world leaders
  • There is a photo spot facility
  • There is a Photo Booth

Tips and Trip

  • Buy a pass ticket for The Legend Star, because if you buy a ticket for each destination the price is too expensive You will spend more than Rp. 200,000 rupiah.
  • For family holidays, especially tourists from regions such as tulungagung, blitar, trenggalek, jombang and other areas you can consider not visiting the legend star tourist destination because your family will spend around almost 1 million rupiah
  • Located on the main axis of Batu City, you should not visit the legend star because the cause of congestion in Batu City is caused by Jawa Timur Park 3.
  • If holidays in the high season do not hang out outside Jatim Park especially on the Shoulder of Jalan Ir. Soekarno because it will cause tremendous congestion and can cause traffic accidents.

Tour Provider : – – – – – 082230445545 –  082230445545

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