Malang Night Paradise

malang night paradise
Indonesia jawa Photography Travel

Malang Night Paradise

Magic Journey, Romanticism Canoe Thematic vacation options at Night

Magic Journey is one of the newest water tourism destinations from Malang Night Paradise. You will be presented with a 500-meter water trip with a 30-minute boat with the thematic nuances of several countries.

First you will visit a Japanese theme with bright red lanterns, which decorate above visitors throughout the country view area of ​​the sunrise with its romantic nuances. There is a display of water, lightening and red lanterns wrapped in Japanese music.

Next you will be presented with beautiful venetian views seen from the magnificent buildings of the famous European architecture. Looks visible on the river side of the building lined with venetian nuances that are very romantic.

After wading through the themes of Japan and Venice we will be presented with an aisle with the theme of an avatar movie, you will see jellyfish and aisles which are decorated with various colorful wares with a beautiful blend of lights. There is not enough of it. You will be presented with a flower garden theme, there are several plant ornaments combined with beautiful lights, there are some photographers who are ready to take pictures of you from every angle.

Tourist sites :

Tourist location is in Malang City, you can access it by using public transportation from the old Arjosari terminal, the journey is only about 10 minutes.

Magic Journey Facility

  • A unique canoe boat
  • Boat crew help you during the trip
  • Photographer from magic journet
  • There is a toilet around Malang Night Paradise area
  • There is a food seller around Malang Night Paradise
  • Photo Booth for printing photos of your photos.

Tour Provider : – – – –

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