Pine Forest Pengger

pengger pine forest
Indonesia jawa Photography Travel Yogyakarta

Pine Forest Pengger

Pinus Pengger Forest is located in Sendangsari Hamlet, Terong Village, Dlingo District, Bantul Regency. From the Yogyakarta City area, this place is about 25 km away and can be reached in around 45 minutes using a private vehicle. For some people, the name Hutan Pinus Pengger is indeed still strange to hear because it is indeed located a bit far from the city of Yogyakarta.

But for travelers who like adventure in nature, this location is well worth a visit. This forest offers a natural and beautiful natural tourist attraction so don’t imagine it as a wilderness that is not neatly arranged and roaming wild animals. Location of Pinus Pengger Forest is in the northern Dlingo hills which is close to the hills of the Piyungan Bantul region. The closest route to Pinus Pengger Forest from the center of Yogyakarta City to the east passes Jalan Wonosari Yogyakarta. This pine forest uses forest areas under the management of Forest Concession Rights (HPH). Mangunan is the same as other pine forests in the hills of Dlingo Bantul.

The contour of this pine forest land is hilly which has similarities to the contour of the land on Becici Pine Peak. Visitors who want to be in the middle of a pine forest area must walk up the hilltop through simple steps made of soil. It is recommended to use non-slippery footwear. Before being developed as a tourist place, this pine forest functions as a production forest, where the pine sap is tapped as an industrial raw material.

Pine trees in the Pinus Pengger Forest are still relatively tight so that even during the day the sun does not penetrate the base area of ​​the tree. This scene looks special for those who crave a dense pine forest and still look natural. The atmosphere around the pine forest feels cool with a breeze that blows from the east side and sometimes from the south side. One other attraction is the Pengger Dlingo Pine Forest is a spot to enjoy the sunset in the area of ​​Watu Adeg (Watu Ngadeg) or the western end of the pine forest, which is marked by an area of ​​volcanic lava rock that has frozen. the place.

From this place, visitors can enjoy the momentum of the sunset or sunset from above the altitude with a view that is almost the same as the Becici Pine Peak which is located in the south.


  • To visit this tourist spot, if you depart from Jogja more or less you will travel for 25 km or within 1 hour by driving a private vehicle. From the city of Jogja pass the Wonosari road to Bukit Bintang. After arriving at the Pathuk intersection, take the direction towards Dling about 4.5 km.
  • If you’re still confused, you can use GPS


  • Toilet: toilet is also available
  • Places to eat: there are also places to eat for those who are hungry.
  • Mushola: for those who want to pray during a visit also provided a prayer room.

Tour Provider : – – – – – 082230445545 –  082230445545

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