Nglambor Beach
The location of Nglambor Beach is in Ngandong Hamlet, Purwodadi, Tepus, Purwodadi, Tepus, Gunungkidul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. It is located not far from other beaches here; Siung Beach and Jogan Beach. So, visiting the area can just visit other coastal tourism, take it easy.
If calculated from Malioboro, the distance to this beach is about 70 KM. We can take this distance for around 2 hours. Do you want to snorkel in Yogya? Nglambor Beach is the place. Usually I don’t think I can snorkel on the south coast in Yogyakarta, because the waves are big with strong currents.
It turns out there is a beach spot for snorkeling in Yogya; Nglambor Beach. This unique beach is shaped like a small lagoon, so the water flow is relatively calm compared to other coastlines that are open. Even so, we still have to be careful because the nature of the south coast is strong.
The water on the beach is also very clear, so when we snorkel we can see clearly the various fish and marine biota around the coral reef. Cool is the point … On this beach there are two large coral reefs, watu bats and egrets, which remain at the mouth of the beach.
Because of the position of these two rocks the waves on Nglambor beach are not that big. The coral reef at Nglambor beach is still naturally maintained. Here we can snorkel while enjoying the beauty of diverse marine life. Don’t have your own snorkeling equipment? do not worry.
In this place there are also several snorkeling equipment rental places at affordable prices. Snorkeling is indeed the main attraction on this beach. But besides that, we can also enjoy the natural atmosphere around this beach. Want a little test of courage? can try crossing to Nglambor island via this suspension bridge.
- Kota Yogya – Jl. Wonosari – Patuk Hill – Siyono Roundabout – Wonosari City – towards Siung Beach – TPR Siung Beach – about 2 km from TPR, turn right – follow directions to the Beach – Nglambor Beach
- Vehicle: you can use a private vehicle, two wheels or four
- Hotel / Lodge
If you come from out of town and have just arrived at Gunung Kidul Wonosari late in the evening or at night, you should stay at the hotel in the center of Wonosari because there is nothing like the Indrayanti beach that is well managed by the private sector so you will not find lodging in there. The morning after dawn then began to leave for Nglambor beach. So you should look for a hotel in the city of Wonosari because in addition to being cheap, you can also freely find dinner at a more affordable price. You can book hotels online on Agoda (credit card) or PegiPegi (you can by transfer) by entering the keyword: “wonosari”. - Worship place
You will not find worship facilities such as a prayer room there because this beach is still very natural and there are only houses that live on the shore. So if you want to pray, you should stop by the prayer room that you can find along the way to get there. - Toilet
Likewise with public toilets or lavatories, you can only stay in the house of the only citizen who lives on the shoreline by giving a generous donation to the owner of the house. - Parking lot
Parking on the beach is only for motorbikes because the access road to Nglambor beach from the asphalt road is not possible to pass by the car. So if you come there with a car, then you have to park it on the side of the road to the entrance to the beach. After that you have to take an ojek with a travel time of approximately 15 minutes.
Tour Provider : – – – – – – 082230445545 – 082230445545