
batu Indonesia jawa Photography Travel


One of the beauty of Batu city you can find in Selecta recreation park, Batu, East Java. Yes, Batu City was once part of Malang Regency, but now has its own stand. Yet people still often refer to Batu Town as Malang City.

Selecta is one of the oldest tourist attractions in Batu City, exactly 4 km to the north of Batu city center and is 25 km from downtown Malang. The location of Selecta is located in Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City, East Java, and was established in the 1930s by a Dutchman named Ruyter de Wildt. The building still leaves a Dutch feel with ancient Dutch architecture. This is one of the attractions of the Selecta leisure park and a dream of foreign and local tourists.

This place provides several recreational park units that visitors can enjoy, such as swimming pool, flower garden, outbound, water park, fish pond, flying fox, jogging area, racetrack, giant aquarium, and many more. Selecta park location is located at an altitude of 1100 m above sea level. Cool air is average temperature 17 degrees Celsius makes the visitors feel at home lingering in this place.

One of the most popular tourist destinations on this place is the Selecta flower garden. Various floral spreads throughout the park even you can enjoy once entering the park area. Area of ​​nearly 18 hectares of this overgrown with various types of flowers, both we usually encounter to flower plants that are rare. Kana flower is a type of flower that dominates the garden area, either red, yellow, or pink.

Other types of flowers such as chrysanthemum and panca colors also spoil your eyes in this Selecta flower garden. Because the natural scenery in Selecta recreation park is very beautiful, no wonder if many visitors capture the beauty with the camera they carry. Even some couples who are getting married capture their prewedding photos in this beautiful flower garden.

As a tourist spot, Selecta flower garden indeed presents a variety of beauty that can satisfy the visitors. Even the flower garden is often called similar to the Keukenhof flower garden in the Netherlands known as the mascot of this Windmill country because of its beauty. Although the beauty is very tempting, you are not allowed to pick flowers in this Selecta flower garden. You are only allowed to capture it in photos together with family or friends.

One of the interesting places within the Selecta recreation park is the highest peak of Selecta. To get there, visitors can walk along the path that on the left lies the colorful flower garden and of course it cools the eyes and eliminate tired everyday busyness.


  1. Select an appropriate visit time. Ease hell, during the day until the afternoon, let me be able to enjoy Selecta longer. So be content to explore restaurants, swimming pools, flower gardens and look for souvenirs of flowers and souvenirs typical Batu in the area near the parking lot.
  2. Practice walking on foot, because we will continue to walk along the entrance area to the flower garden. The area of ​​the flower garden in Selecta is very wide so it’s a pity if we are tired because less accustomed to exercise.
  3. Bring a camera that can be used to take a photo of the tourist area from above. I think it’s good if you bring a drone. Or bring a camera with larger pixels and micro lens. So the photo flowers are clear. Take photos in the direction of the light. Do not challenge the light let me hit the black spot.
  4. Do not litter


  1. Toilet
  2. Restaurant
  3. Playground
  4. Mushola
  5. Parking area
  6. There are also hotels for visitors who want to stay.

Tour Provider : – – – –

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